Monday, May 24, 2010

Past Life Regression Therapy – Is It For Real?

Past life therapy is a topic which is best left to the conformers. I, for one, am not a strong subscriber to this notion. But considering the experiences that many people have reported – many of them saying that the therapy really did work for them, make the critic inside me wonder …. Having finished some of my stock of run-of-the-mill fiction and a P.G. Woodehouse novel, I reached out to the Dr. Weiss bestseller, “Many Lives, Many Masters”. This started off a thought process that caused me to lay the book down and start researching the topic at hand – past life regression therapy.

Does past life exist?

If it does, can we indeed revisit it?
Can the unknown tormentors in our minds, have roots, and hence answers in our past lives?

I know many Hindus who will swear by reincarnation – the concept that emphasises the cycle of birth-death-rebirth of every living entity, with their rebirth being a direct consequence of their acts of the previous life. Believers of this concept won’t have great problems in sympathising with people who seek past life regression therapy, but for cynics like me, past life therapy seems more like a sham.

Past Life Regression Therapy :

I looked up Wiki. It says – “Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations, though others regard them as fantasies or delusions.” So, one thing is clear, I belong to the “others”

So, to give the “believers” a chance, I researched the fact and to me the most interesting findings were:

- Regression Therapy is a manifestation of a person’s hidden or subconscious mind, which may be influenced by some traumatic situations.
- At a subconscious level, the person may imagine himself or herself to be in a different state to either escape the reality or to deal with a cruel reality.
- Belief in the birth-death-rebirth concept can cause illusions of there being an after life which one can “see” in this life.

Since nothing, absolutely nothing can establish the reasons which cause these images to come to mind, we cannot write off regression therapy per-se. It is said to have helped many a troubled minds and soothed nerves of many near-psychic cases that were on the verge of breakdown. If nothing else, past life therapy works as a great way of venting out the suppressed images and feelings which may transmutate into a different-life-look-alike.

For those, who believe they can find help in a past life regression therapy, it’s best to search for a professional AND genuine therapist. Look around and make an informed decision.

For those, who don’t believe, can continue to find answers to the unanswerable – in reason!